About us

child youth


Flames of compassion Uganda (FLACO), founded in 2018 under the leadership of Mutakoha Denis to give continued support to poor and vulnerable people in Uganda. It was registered in the Republic of Uganda with the National Bureau for Non-Governmental Organizations under the Non-Governmental Organizations Act, 2016 on18th Aug 2020 (Registration number: INDR151634026NB / Permit number: INDP0004026NB). We established a preschool (Way to Go Junior School) which is now giving birth to primary school. We have enrolled over 50 students from the community and 16 of these have been adopted fully to be taken care of by Flames of compassion Uganda due to their level of vulnerability. Flames of Compassion Uganda defines vulnerable children as children who are orphans, live in extreme poverty, are refugees, live on the streets, and/or have been abandoned or abused. During the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, Flames of compassion Uganda received their first donation from Theresa McLaughlin of which we were able to supply food to vulnerable people the community. In addition Theresa McLaughlin funded the construction a simple home to shelter the most vulnerable. Flames of compassion Uganda takes care of some elderly people within the community by providing food on a monthly basis. Today we have been able to touch over 100 lives in this community. The coverage would be bigger but due to the limited resources, we do what is within our reach. Flames of Compassion Uganda, was formed in which is envisioned to supplement government and other stakeholders’ efforts in empowering the vulnerable children in Uganda, in psycho-socio and economic spheres. Flames of Compassion Uganda has 4 core programs: Quality Formal and Informal education, Child and youth safety and mental health, Household health and wellbeing, Institutional Sustainability, to protect, educate and build up children in a safe and productive environment. For more information, see CORE PROGRAMS,  EDUCATION, and SPONSORSHIP