Programs Supported by Your Donations


We provide safe and secure housing for vulnerable children at our homes in Kampala and Kalangala, and our school in Katiiti-Nakibengo. 


Flames of Compassion Uganda feeds about 70 resident and non-resident children daily. We strive to grow our own food at our home and school, promote community gardens, and teach farming on our community. Since the cost of food has increased dramatically in these uncertain times, we need help to ensure that our children get the healthy meals they need to grow. 


We educate our children at Way to Go Junior School in Katiiti Nakibengo. Flames of Compassion Uganda also planning to work with a network of organizations and professionals to teach our children life skills that will sustain them. We raise funds through our local and international sponsors, receive grants, and reach out to donors to cover school fees. But the quality education that we provide is not inexpensive. It is our mission to educate all of our children, and we are in urgent need of educational sponsorship. See SPONSORSHIP for more information. 

Medical Care

Flames of Compassion Uganda plans to have a well-equipped sick room and a resident nurse on staff. But since so many of our children have suffered trauma, we also have a strong psycho-social department. We are always in need of funds and medicine from our partners and sponsors.

Rehabilitation and Reunification

Once a child has been rehabilitated, the complex process of reunification begins for children who want to return home. Social workers visit the home and counsel the family and the community. When all parties sanction the child’s return, Flames of Compassion Uganda takes him or her home.

Community Empowerment

Our Community Empowerment program is designed to expand Flames of Compassion Uganda’s reach and influence in the underserved community of Katiiti Nakibengo. Our far-reaching program identifies and works with matters that influence change and quality of life. These issues include self-help groups, building community resilience, food security, conservation agriculture, health, children’s rights, child protection, parenting and environmental education.


Flames of Compassion Uganda believes music is one way to provide psychosocial support to children. Flames of Compassion Uganda plans to establish cooperations with a music institutions or schools, mobilize brass instruments, Train children in brass music  You provide the impact and constancy for Flames of Compassion Uganda to create our forward-thinking projects and keep them going. There is no Flames of Compassion Uganda without you. Please DONATE.