Teach Man Fish

“Teach Man Fish” Project

Join us in the heart of Uganda, where Flames of Compassion Uganda (FLACO) is igniting change and hope within vulnerable communities. With a vision to nurture self-reliance and empower women for holistic development, FLACO embodies compassion and advocacy in action.

Our journey began with a profound realization – the transformative power of skills training in empowering vulnerable women and mothers. Witnessing the resilience of women facing unimaginable hardships in Kirinda village, we resolved to take action.

Introducing the “Teach Man Fish” project – aimed at providing vulnerable women with the tools and skills needed to break free from the cycle of poverty. Inspired by the proverb “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime,” this project is about equipping women with lifelong skills for sustainable empowerment.

Our approach starts with a thorough needs assessment, conducted with sensitivity and empathy. Through surveys and interviews, we understand the unique challenges faced by women in the community, from lack of education to limited economic opportunities.

Armed with this knowledge, we develop a comprehensive curriculum tailored to their needs. Our program not only imparts practical skills but also fosters personal growth and self-confidence, guided by our core values of compassion and empowerment.

The implementation phase brings our vision to life through skill development workshops and training sessions. These become hubs of empowerment, where women discover their potential and unleash their creativity under the guidance of qualified trainers and facilitators.