Introduction to Sponsorship All children need food, clothing, a loving home, protection, and positive influences. But they also must have the education to navigate and succeed in the world. Flames of Compassion Uganda needs your help to support these children to school. The cost is not insignificant, but our children get the best education available at Way to Go Junior School. The rewards to both you and your sponsored child are breathtaking. You cannot fully know the joy of sponsoring a youngster until you see the kid you have supported, graduate with honors from college. Knowing the depths from which these children have risen makes these achievements even more prized. Flames of Compassion Uganda’s children hope to become teachers, community activists, soldiers, musicians, politicians, nurses, administrators, lawyers, and advocates for change. We are in awe as we watch these young people climb. Please read further to learn how you can send a child to school.

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Cost of Sponsorship

Annual tuition and costs for Primary School, range from $500.00 to $1,150.00. Secondary School costs range from $625.00 to $1,750. For $600 a year, payable in total or in monthly installments of $50.00, you can change the life of a vulnerable child. We recognize that $50 per month is not an insignificant amount of money. If you are unable to sponsor one child for a full year, we also have a general education fund that allows us to send unsponsored children to school. You are welcome to make a monthly or annual donation of any amount that recognizes both your needs and your desire to support a child. Items Included in the Sponsorship Fee When sending a child to school in Uganda, there are expenses in addition to tuition. Your sponsorship will cover school uniforms and dress shoes, scholastic materials, meals, exams, development fees, registration costs, school activities, and administration fees. When a child is sponsored at Way to Go Junior School the sponsorship fee also pays for a safe and supportive living environment. Flames of Compassion Uganda has a well-planned strategy of involvement. The Flames of Compassion Uganda staff makes frequent school visits to monitor and evaluate children’s class performance, their conduct, participation in extracurricular activities, and to listen to assessments by the class teachers. The costs of evaluation and monitoring are included in the sponsorship fee.

How to Choose a Child for Sponsorship

All our children are worthy of an education and it is not always easy to choose a child to sponsor. Some sponsors choose our most vulnerable children—a child, affected by HIV/AIDS, one who has suffered exploitation or abuse, or was orphaned at an early age. Others choose a child by age, or a child who has been waiting a long time for a sponsor. If you prefer, Flames of Compassion Uganda will recommend a child for sponsorship. We will supply a potential sponsor with photographs and biographical details about the child.

Length of Sponsorship

Sponsorship continues for as long as a sponsor is willing and able to sponsor a child. For individual sponsorship, we ask that you sponsor a child for at least a full year of schooling. Or, if possible, sponsor a child until they finish Primary or Secondary schooling. The longer the sponsorship, the better it is for the child. Knowing that they are supported ensures that they can stay in school and helps them work with Flames of Compassion Uganda to plan their future. It also gives both the sponsor and the sponsored child more time to get to know each other and to build a meaningful relationship.  If you are unable to sponsor a child for at least a full year of schooling, we also have a general education fund that allows us to send unsponsored children to school.

Group Sponsorship

Flames of Compassion Uganda encourages group sponsorships. Church groups, friends and family, and schools may join together to sponsor children, but there should be one correspondent who will be in charge of all communications with Flames of Compassion Uganda. To Sponsor a Child Once you have decided to sponsor a particular child, Contact us at flamesofcompassionug@gmail.com


We would be glad to answer any questions you might have and to work with you to create an opportunity for one of our children. Contact us at flamesofcompassionug@gmail.com