Other Ways to Help


Flames of Compassion Uganda strongly believes in teamwork and in the power of partnerships and is interested in forming meaningful alliances with organizations, individuals, corporations, foundations, and schools. Partnerships can serve more people, create more visible impact, and develop more sustainable models. Our past partnerships have helped make us who we are and have shown us that we achieve more when we work together. Way to Go Junior School is especially interested in finding partner schools to share goals and cultural learning exchanges. Partnerships may be centered around student tour programs, academic research, and child-created fundraisers that support the children in Flames of Compassion Uganda’s programs. We are also looking for partnerships that can help with capacity building and training opportunities for our staff.


Flames of Compassion Uganda has developed an internship program for students from local and international universities. Our internships are for students interested in issues relating to underserved children, rural areas, housing, human rights, domestic violence, research and documentation, and other issues as they pertain to Uganda and Flames of Compassion Uganda. Interns typically spend 3-12 months, working with us. At the end of their internship, interns are required to prepare an internship report.

Research and Documentation

Flames of Compassion Uganda is looking for research institutions, individual researchers and organizations that specialize in research and documentation to help us do our work more effectively. We would like to investigate all issues that impact vulnerable children and use the documented findings to inform our strategies and to guide our operation policies. If you are interested in partnering with Flames of Compassion Uganda please email us at flamesofcompassionug@gmail.com.